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Sustainable Cafe’s Governance
Sustainable Café Ltd is a forward looking business which aims to embrace the evolving ecosystem of sustainable and humanitarian business practice at its core. For example, as Sustainable Café grows, we will go beyond the UK framework of diversity legislation in line with recruitment and remuneration.
What we offer
Global Partnerships & Stakeholder Support
Sustainable Café will have a network of partnerships from around the world, including our friends who will be our suppliers, customers and various charities which we will give a significant proportion of our profits.
Our team will offer the best individual support we possibly can to every stakeholder in our network. This may include supporting issues of operations, customer service and all issues with marketing various promotions, amongst many others.
Sustainable Café’s Offerings
Inasmuch that all aspects of cultural diversity will be welcomed within our family to ensure there is absolutely no discrimination and negative judgement whatsoever in our recruitment selection policy. We welcome all cultures and aim to enrich their skills to their fullest potential while working with Sustainable Café Ltd.
Going forward, Sustainable Café will also implement the three pillars of the B Corp JEDI policy which will ensure that all aspects of its work will be as ethical, sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible.
JEDI Policy
JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Policy:
• We will apply the JEDI framework in all decision making processes and enforce that culture throughout all policies going forward.
• Develop accountability mechanisms for all projects and processes.
• Accountability will be key going forward, looking at who/ what is accountable. Ultimately towards the Board, which is directly responsible for all executive decisions running the business.
The Three Pillars of JEDI Policy:
Racial equality and justice
Here at the Sustainable Café Ltd everyone will be treated with the utmost respect, regardless of their cultural identity and background, which include traits such as any form/s of disabilities (physical and/ or mental health), skin colour, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, size, pregnancies, marital status, tattoos, piercing, height, accent and so on. In our opinion, there should be no judgement whatsoever of any form in any negative way. That each individual should receive at least a fair wage in line with the work they carry out. This applies those who are indirectly and directly on the Sustainable Café payroll.
Shifting Power and Distributing Leadership
Everyone in the Sustainable Café family will be heard. Opinions, suggestions and complaints will be taken on board from the Directorate level to the producers, the customers and disposal/ recycling agencies and everyone in between. There will be a collective stakeholder policy whereby each individual and customer who participates within the Sustainable Café Ltd family have a voice which will be listened to.
This is very much a fluid, developing concept as in ultimately, executive decisions moving forward will be the responsibility of the Directorate and Board. However many other aspects, such as the behaviour of the staff at the front line are as responsible as the Directorship navigating the business. Issues of governance within Sustainable Café Ltd will be compliant within all aspects of legal regulatory frameworks within each country it operates. Those may include tax liabilities and employment regulations amongst others.
Sustainable Café’s ethos
Reaching Our Full Potential
In respect of Sustainable Café’s ethos of being as ethical as it possibly can within all everything sustainable, Sustainable Café Ltd will meet each requirement to the best of its ability and exceed its application of the law. For example, Sustainable Café Ltd will ensure the work will be in line with environmental regulations and frameworks and go beyond those frameworks to ensure we leave a better environment than when we began.