What We Do
Sustainable Café Sustainable Development Indicators Chart
Based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Charter, we will ask your business to answer a few questions about the sustainability of your products. It should take around an hour at the most.
As transparent as possible
There is much more to learn. We do not have all the answers but will continue to improve and learn more about good sustainable business practice as Sustainable Café evolves. What makes business successful is to know what works. For other companies to see what we do and what works for us and other businesses to replicate our successes driven by sustainable development throughout the consumer market.
The indicator chart
How it Works
We will ask you questions about sustainable human rights, aspects of the risks of exploitation of your workforce and the environmental impacts of your products and components inter alia. Sustainable Café will provide you with our data template which outlines the yes/ no questions we will ask, upon request. The chart below shows some typical questions we will ask.